
2011 Mission Sunday

Mother and daughter Maggie and Mary Stein of First-Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC in Lincoln spoke about their mission trip to Ghana at Friedens 2011 Mission Sunday.

Friedens is involved in mission work in Seward and through the world. We are part of the Seward Ministerial Association through our pastor who is its current President. Our church volunteers at the Seward Recycling Center every two months. Our Thanksgiving Eve Offering goes to Blue Valley Community Action who serves people in southeast Nebraska. Friedens has a annual Mission Sunday with guest speakers. At the last Mission Sunday in 2011, contributuions went for mission work in Ghana.

Mission in the United Church of Christ

Friedens also contributes to the mission of the United Church of Christ. Friedens has donated to UCC-afiliated Doane College, Chicago Theological Seminary, Eden Theological Seminary, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, ECH Every Child’s Hope, and Hoyleton Youth and Family Services. Friedens members also contribute to the four Special Mission Offerings of the UCC and to Our Church’s Wider Mission.

Our Church’s Wider Mission

Our church supports the wider mission work of the United Church of Christ through Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM). Contributions designated for OCWM are sent to the Nebraska Conference office. The Conference keeps 75 percent of the proceeds to support its local mission work. The Conference sends 25 percent of the proceeds are sent to the UCC National Office to support the national and global mission of the United Church of Christ. More information about OCWM can be found at http://www.uccnebraska.org/donate/ocwm and http://www.ucc.org/ocwm

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